Redoxy 活跃细胞 滴了redoxy 黄了苹果立刻变原本新鲜的颜色氧化东西还原抗老化功效 出世宝宝第一天都适合用噢 那么你有见过氧化苹果可以还原吗? 它redoxy 可以! Redoxy 法国+日本先进高科技 扭转氧化 萃取精华液》新鲜的苹果切了后在接触空气后就会开始氧化,差不多10分钟就会变黑了嘛,只要你涂上一点redoxy在苹果发黑的部分,一会儿你就看出苹果变回还没氧化前红嫩的模样,Redoxy可以扭转氧化,修复已经氧化的细胞,我们脸上细胞修复后,就可以抗老化 年年18。 Redoxy 的功效: 特点:抗老化 功效-减少皱纹和细纹,保护皮肤免受阳光的照晒。 有效成分-牛奶肽 特点:抗氧化 功效-帮助皮肤细胞抵抗自由基。 有效成份-维生素C 特点:保湿 功效-长时间帮助皮肤细胞锁住水分,缩小毛孔。 有效成份-透明质酸 特点:活化细胞 功效-促进胶原蛋白再生,让肌肤丰嫩和富有弹性。 有效成分-鲑鱼肽 特点:修复皮肤 功效-修复疤痕,抚平皱纹。 有效成份-尿囊素 特点:皮肤年轻化 功效-帮助皮肤紧致平滑,常保年轻。 有效成份-透明质酸
如果你受 凹凸洞、油性脸、痘痘肌
所困扰 Redoxy 绝对能够帮到你👍👍👍
极少长痘痘的我,上个星期鼻子里面长了一粒很大粒的痘痘 ,一碰到就很痛,喷多几次H+ 就消了,然后那粒痘痘开始移到鼻翼上,我把它挤一挤就红
成这样...但是我心里有了谱,我不担心会留疤😊 啧,三天的H+ 和Redoxy,淡成这样~!
痘痘、敏感、油性肌肤… 凹凸洞
RL 四宝外敷产品都能改善👍👍👍
🌸一支升级版的美白修复肌肤产品Redoxy,还你靓丽, 水嫩嫩,白里透红……的肌肤🌸
💞Redoxy 美白产品,没有华丽的舞台广告,有的是,一张张,顾客群 回馈,一张张使用产品后的效果心声照片回馈💞
Redoxy 精华液的 其中20++个用途
20++ usages of Redoxy serum
1. 眼袋 Redoxy serum reduces bags under your eyes
2. 鱼尾纹 Redoxy serum reduces crow’s feet
3. 法令纹 Redoxy serum reduces nasolabial folds
4. 毛孔 Redoxy serum shrink skin pores
5. 黑眼圈 Redoxy serum reduces black eyes
6. 妊辰纹 Redoxy serum reduces stretch mark
7. 颈项线条纹 Redoxy serum reduces neck line appearance
8. 老化的皮肤紧实 Redoxy serum make aged skin firmer
9. 改善皮肤 Redoxy serum improve skin fairness
10. 淡化凹凸洞 Redoxy serum shrinks acne holes
11. 淡化疤痕 Redoxy serum reduces hypertrophi scar appearance
12. 粉刺 Redoxy serum reduces acne vulgaris
13. 改善敏感肌肤 Redoxy serum recover sensitive skin
14. 减少青春痘 Redoxy serum reduces pimples
15. 雀斑 Redoxy serum reduces freckles appearance
16. 黑斑 Redoxy serum reduces melasma/ chloasma appearance
17. 老人斑 Redoxy serum reduces age spots appearance
18. 锁水 Redoxy serum locks in skin cells moisture
19. 皮肤嫩滑 Redoxy serum make skin smoother
20. 控油 Redoxy serum cotrol oil of face
21. 预防晒伤 Redoxy serum prevent sun burn
22. 治疗晒伤 Redoxy serum recover skin from sun burn
Welcome Pm~我了解详情,快快快,找我下单📲📲
Wechat ID : cindy761127
Whatssap : 018 7851258
如果你受 凹凸洞、油性脸、痘痘肌
所困扰 Redoxy 绝对能够帮到你👍👍👍
痘痘、敏感、油性肌肤… 凹凸洞
RL 四宝外敷产品都能改善👍👍👍
💞Redoxy 美白产品,没有华丽的舞台广告,有的是,一张张,顾客群
Redoxy 精华液的 其中20++个用途
20++ usages of Redoxy serum
1. 眼袋 Redoxy serum reduces bags under your eyes
2. 鱼尾纹 Redoxy serum reduces crow’s feet
3. 法令纹 Redoxy serum reduces nasolabial folds
4. 毛孔 Redoxy serum shrink skin pores
5. 黑眼圈 Redoxy serum reduces black eyes
6. 妊辰纹 Redoxy serum reduces stretch mark
7. 颈项线条纹 Redoxy serum reduces neck line appearance
8. 老化的皮肤紧实 Redoxy serum make aged skin firmer
9. 改善皮肤 Redoxy serum improve skin fairness
10. 淡化凹凸洞 Redoxy serum shrinks acne holes
11. 淡化疤痕 Redoxy serum reduces hypertrophi scar appearance
12. 粉刺 Redoxy serum reduces acne vulgaris
13. 改善敏感肌肤 Redoxy serum recover sensitive skin
14. 减少青春痘 Redoxy serum reduces pimples
15. 雀斑 Redoxy serum reduces freckles appearance
16. 黑斑 Redoxy serum reduces melasma/ chloasma appearance
17. 老人斑 Redoxy serum reduces age spots appearance
18. 锁水 Redoxy serum locks in skin cells moisture
19. 皮肤嫩滑 Redoxy serum make skin smoother
20. 控油 Redoxy serum cotrol oil of face
21. 预防晒伤 Redoxy serum prevent sun burn
22. 治疗晒伤 Redoxy serum recover skin from sun burn
Welcome Pm~我了解详情,快快快,找我下单📲📲
Wechat ID : cindy761127
Whatssap : 018 7851258
2° 滋润霜 您的肌肤补足水了吗? 水是生命之源,而人体平均的70% 由水组成。 水是构成人体最重要的成分,如血液,淋巴液以及身体的分泌物等都与水有关,水大约占据了人体70% 的体重。血液中含水量约90%以上,我们进食后,吞咽,消化,输送养分,以及排泄废物,各个环节,都需要水的帮助才能顺利进行。 我们身体大约有40公升的水,而我们每天的失水量随个人因素和周围环境而有所不同。个人因素如排尿,排便,汗水,生病等都会流失大量的水分,而环境的因素也是造成人体水分大量流失的其中一个原因。 全球暖化是指地球的大气和海洋,因温室效应而造成温度上升的气候变化现象。在2014年,政府的气候变化专门委员会报告中指出(IPCC),科学家发现超过95%的全球变暖是温室气体浓度的增加,以及其他人为活动所造成的。 气温升高将改变地球的温度直接影响我们的皮肤。一位在美国航空航天局戈达德空间研究所的科学家德鲁博士曾经说过:“现在的太阳亮度比它在过去的四个世纪的任何时候来得高” 在2009年,有114个国家签署了一份“歌本哈根协议”,这个协议承认了一个不具约束力的科学观点,即全球温度的提升应该低于2°。因为温度提升除了让环境造成灼热,我们的肌肤也会面对水份蒸发而引起干燥的问题。 除了环境污染的因素而导致的温室效应造成环境炽热,现代人的生活习惯如长期呆在干燥的空调房中,不适当的饮食习惯,少喝水或身体代谢功能减弱等因素,也是造成身体及肌肤水分不足的主因。 身体的水分流失将影响肌肤面对缺水的状态。而肌肤如果面对缺水就会造成肌肤粗糙,暗哑,形成细纹,而引发肌肤问题。长期肌肤缺水也会造成皮肤油脂分泌失调而造成油性肤质产生。 因此,人们开始更注重于皮肤直接补水的课题。市面上也开始出现玲琅满目的护肤产品,任何只要标记着补水及保湿等字眼的美容产品就会引起更多消费者的青睐。 可是,人们对补水产品都很容易会走入一个误区,即认为保湿就是补水 由于水分子并不容易被皮肤吸收,所以只能停留在皮肤表层而仅仅达到保湿的效果。所以一般市面上的护肤品,充其量只能达到保湿效果,而这类的保湿产品,主要属于偏油质效果的面霜,可以达到湿润的效果,但由于皮肤深层未能补充到足够的水分,因此还是处于缺水的肤质状态。 和保湿概念不同的是,2° 滋润霜更注重于让肌肤可以吸收水分,达到深层滋润的效果。 我们运用MMNT的技术,将水份子幼化并保持在滋润霜中,让使用的过程更容易被皮肤吸收,因此达到深层补水的效果。 而我们也在其中加入天然的活性成分,加强皮肤在抗氧,抗衰老的效果。
2° – ACTIVATOR Hydro Does your skin have sufficient moisture? Water is important to the mechanics of the human body as it makes up more than two thirds of the human body weight. Water is an essential component for our body as it depends on water to thrive and survive. Besides that, blood is composed of about 90% water, which carries nutrients and oxygen throughout our body. Every cell, tissue and organ in our body needs water to function optimally. Our body uses water to maintain its temperature, remove waste, and lubricate joints. Water is, therefore, needed for good health. Water makes up more than half of our body weight. It is expelled each day when we go to the bathroom, sweat and even when we breathe. Our body loses even more water when the weather is really hot. Consequently, we will become dehydrated if we do not replace the water we have lost. ‘Global warming’ is the term used to describe the gradual increase of the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere and this has resulted in the Earth’s climate changing permanently. In a report by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2014 (IPCC), scientists have highlighted that more than 95% of global warming is caused by increased concentrations of greenhouse gases and other anthropogenic activities. The rising temperature on Earth does not bode well for humans, as it will adversely affect us by changing our skin conditions. “Today, the sun is brighter than it has been in the last four centuries,” explains Drew Shindell, Ph.D., a scientist at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies. In 2009, 114 countries signed the ‘Copenhagen Accord,’ a non-binding agreement that recognizes the scientific view that the increase of global temperature should be below two degrees Celsius. Dry, dehydrated skin can be a temporary condition or a lifelong concern. Dry skin is either hereditary or a product of an increasingly stressful lifestyle coupled with continual exposure to the sun, wind and chemicals in the environment. Either way, it is an unpleasant condition for anyone to deal with. Cold winds and low temperatures can dry skin out, particularly for people who are always in air-conditioned areas. This will result in depriving the skin of a balanced level of oils and subsequently, lead to premature aging. Quite similarly, a prolonged exposure to the sun causes our skin to lose moisture. To paint a clearer picture: warm and dry air acts like a sponge, soaking up moisture from every surface it touches. Many people have the mistaken notion that oily skin is impervious to dehydration. This is simply untrue as even oily skin is can be dehydrated. What we need to know is that dehydration is due to lack of water, not oil. This means that the sebaceous glands can still secrete oil or even be overactive in dehydrated skin. Water is absolutely necessary for our skin. Products that emphasize the importance of ‘deep moisturizing’ or ‘deep hydration’ will no doubt pique our interest. However, a product that promises to moisturize does not necessarily mean it hydrates. Our skin does not absorb water molecules easily; they only remain on the epidermis of our skin. A majority of skincare products only provide moisture via oil and are unable to deliver hydration to the dermal layer of our skin. Hence, this still causes dryness to the skin. Hence, the natural ingredients of 2° Activator Hydro are the anti-oxidant and anti-aging agents for a better and healthy skin!
Whatssap ☎️: 018 7851258
Wechat ID📱: cindy761127
2° – ACTIVATOR Hydro Does your skin have sufficient moisture? Water is important to the mechanics of the human body as it makes up more than two thirds of the human body weight. Water is an essential component for our body as it depends on water to thrive and survive. Besides that, blood is composed of about 90% water, which carries nutrients and oxygen throughout our body. Every cell, tissue and organ in our body needs water to function optimally. Our body uses water to maintain its temperature, remove waste, and lubricate joints. Water is, therefore, needed for good health. Water makes up more than half of our body weight. It is expelled each day when we go to the bathroom, sweat and even when we breathe. Our body loses even more water when the weather is really hot. Consequently, we will become dehydrated if we do not replace the water we have lost. ‘Global warming’ is the term used to describe the gradual increase of the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere and this has resulted in the Earth’s climate changing permanently. In a report by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2014 (IPCC), scientists have highlighted that more than 95% of global warming is caused by increased concentrations of greenhouse gases and other anthropogenic activities. The rising temperature on Earth does not bode well for humans, as it will adversely affect us by changing our skin conditions. “Today, the sun is brighter than it has been in the last four centuries,” explains Drew Shindell, Ph.D., a scientist at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies. In 2009, 114 countries signed the ‘Copenhagen Accord,’ a non-binding agreement that recognizes the scientific view that the increase of global temperature should be below two degrees Celsius. Dry, dehydrated skin can be a temporary condition or a lifelong concern. Dry skin is either hereditary or a product of an increasingly stressful lifestyle coupled with continual exposure to the sun, wind and chemicals in the environment. Either way, it is an unpleasant condition for anyone to deal with. Cold winds and low temperatures can dry skin out, particularly for people who are always in air-conditioned areas. This will result in depriving the skin of a balanced level of oils and subsequently, lead to premature aging. Quite similarly, a prolonged exposure to the sun causes our skin to lose moisture. To paint a clearer picture: warm and dry air acts like a sponge, soaking up moisture from every surface it touches. Many people have the mistaken notion that oily skin is impervious to dehydration. This is simply untrue as even oily skin is can be dehydrated. What we need to know is that dehydration is due to lack of water, not oil. This means that the sebaceous glands can still secrete oil or even be overactive in dehydrated skin. Water is absolutely necessary for our skin. Products that emphasize the importance of ‘deep moisturizing’ or ‘deep hydration’ will no doubt pique our interest. However, a product that promises to moisturize does not necessarily mean it hydrates. Our skin does not absorb water molecules easily; they only remain on the epidermis of our skin. A majority of skincare products only provide moisture via oil and are unable to deliver hydration to the dermal layer of our skin. Hence, this still causes dryness to the skin. Hence, the natural ingredients of 2° Activator Hydro are the anti-oxidant and anti-aging agents for a better and healthy skin!
Whatssap ☎️: 018 7851258
Wechat ID📱: cindy761127
2° – (滋润霜)ACTIVATOR HYDRO - 见证 (脚干,嘴唇边)
2° – (滋润霜)ACTIVATOR HYDRO - 油性皮肤治疗方法
如果皮肤缺水,就会通过分泌更多的油脂来替代水,但是油 脂分泌越多毛孔越发堵塞,
2activator hydro让你一整天都感觉水嫩水嫩
wechat ID : cindy761127
whatssap : 018 7851 258
💓2° ActivatorHydro主要功效💓
2activator hydro让你一整天都感觉水嫩水嫩
wechat ID : cindy761127
whatssap : 018 7851 258
首先就该 补水 补水 再补水
我们家 2º滋润霜 😍
wechat id : cindy761127
wjatssap : 0187851258
首先就该 补水 补水 再补水
我们家 2º滋润霜 😍
wechat id : cindy761127
wjatssap : 0187851258
💓2° ActivatorHydro主要功效💓
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