如果你受 凹凸洞、油性脸、痘痘肌
所困扰 Redoxy 绝对能够帮到你👍👍👍
痘痘、敏感、油性肌肤… 凹凸洞
RL 四宝外敷产品都能改善👍👍👍
💞Redoxy 美白产品,没有华丽的舞台广告,有的是,一张张,顾客群
Redoxy 精华液的 其中20++个用途
20++ usages of Redoxy serum
1. 眼袋 Redoxy serum reduces bags under your eyes
2. 鱼尾纹 Redoxy serum reduces crow’s feet
3. 法令纹 Redoxy serum reduces nasolabial folds
4. 毛孔 Redoxy serum shrink skin pores
5. 黑眼圈 Redoxy serum reduces black eyes
6. 妊辰纹 Redoxy serum reduces stretch mark
7. 颈项线条纹 Redoxy serum reduces neck line appearance
8. 老化的皮肤紧实 Redoxy serum make aged skin firmer
9. 改善皮肤 Redoxy serum improve skin fairness
10. 淡化凹凸洞 Redoxy serum shrinks acne holes
11. 淡化疤痕 Redoxy serum reduces hypertrophi scar appearance
12. 粉刺 Redoxy serum reduces acne vulgaris
13. 改善敏感肌肤 Redoxy serum recover sensitive skin
14. 减少青春痘 Redoxy serum reduces pimples
15. 雀斑 Redoxy serum reduces freckles appearance
16. 黑斑 Redoxy serum reduces melasma/ chloasma appearance
17. 老人斑 Redoxy serum reduces age spots appearance
18. 锁水 Redoxy serum locks in skin cells moisture
19. 皮肤嫩滑 Redoxy serum make skin smoother
20. 控油 Redoxy serum cotrol oil of face
21. 预防晒伤 Redoxy serum prevent sun burn
22. 治疗晒伤 Redoxy serum recover skin from sun burn
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Wechat ID : cindy761127
Whatssap : 018 7851258